Religion is no outer show or socio-ethnic ID-card. Religion is the inner Nature of biological being and their way of living on unified social world.
Regimentation with external law or force is not Religion but Hitler's way of imposition.
SEX-Swami Nityananda's action does not prove Spirituality as hoax or fraud but only proves that ,though robed , he is genetically swimming , still , in his animal form.
Every one can not dream to be a VIVEKANANDA or EINSTEIN. If you are not genetically (DNA) advanced in 'Life' you should not jump high to 'Catch the Moon'.
SOCIAL animals nor CHURCH-regime is the true identity of RELIGION or SPIRITUALITY.
Nityananda' should be forced to discard his yellow robe and also forced to marry a sexy bride to bring balance to his hormonal -chaos.
The Catholic Church should be barred from forcing Celibacy to Its 'Testicular' Disciples. Spirituality & Celibacy are Genetic (prarabdha) quality - not 'Marketable commodity.