Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Returning to West Bengal after 15 yrs of living in U.S.A and finding a desired and happy place on the bank of Hoogly River (GANGA), I felt 'blessed' for such a dream of mine coming true. It is now more than a year and the events of last 3/4 days of civic Ekection -fever, its symptoms and complications have turned my happy return to a sad state for contemplation to evaluate anew.
They say It was 9more or less a peaceful Election, though with scattered street-fights , one dead (Patuli) and Kolkata, super -saturated with police-force in advance.
Is it really peaceful Election ? ...I donot know , as my observation and short experience do not match. Noise and Chaos at certain level may be a Natural phenomena . but irresponsible and reflex outburst with loose, uncotrolled remarks by some Leaders of National level are so inflamatory and Painful. Afterwitnessing the Democratic Set-up and Election In U.S.A for more tan a decade, I find it so difficult to accept this Civic Election as a fully democratic process.
Maybe, I think, the Leaders of NATIONAL LEVEL have more to explain than common Rank responding under their Leader ship.
In a set up where the Cabinet Rank Politicians can not meet together or sit together, nurturing their covered wounds and kitchen-grudge, how a commoner like me can think like an optimist!

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