Wednesday, August 3, 2011


{ in late 1970s and early 1980s, I had to teach in UCMS (Medical college0 attached to Safdarjang hospital) & took classes as a lecturer (medicine )
In a lecture on 'HYPERTENSION' I talked with my students ,in my own way i.e with drawings of 'Hyper as an arrow going up and 'tension ' as a rubber tube with more water than its capacity permits it to hold . The students liked my drawings and my way of defining Hypertension ( High Blood Pressure }.

Here , now , I shall tell about DEPRESSION in the same way and rather,as a lay person to common man. But before that some bulky Preface for a common -sense talk
A few months back I read in a newspaper that Pharmaceutical Industries since post 1980s has lost interest in bringing out newer and more effective ANTI-BIO TICS and that's why newer ant-bacterial are absent from the market, The reason is not "potential Discovery' but because it is less profitable than long- term drugs like Anti-depressant which are now covering the World and swallowing up the whole Global population.. And now, Anti- depressants and Terminal Disease Health System are the greatest field of Interest to Pharmaceutical Industries and Health Insurance Business., for more profit.
I shall love to now the percentage of functioning Population in U.S.A that is taking ANTI-depressants , in relatio to other ailments.

Anyway ! - Now to DEPRRESSION :

To me Depression is not a Disease but a condition of LIVING. and I have not read the biography of any great and successful man who had not depression( may they be from Abe Lincoln to W. Churchill ).Per haps, they were luckier on Time-scale-run , not knowing any anti-depressant drugs then..

But what is Depression ? To me , from the Lay-man's point of View ,
'De'- is down-ward displacement (of Mind) . & PRESS' means building up or built up pressure on Mind from all possible angles and sides.
As such DEPRESSION is a Self created or induced NEGETIVE effect on our MIND imposed by the 'RAT-RACE -EFFECT' of Modern Civillisation (Contd)

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