Thursday, July 23, 2015

My   Lab .  reports  are    Within  normal  Limit / or  border Line   Normal  .
Though  my  two   non- paying  GUESTS  now  seems to  be    All - round -Depression  and   (?)  I..B. S( Irritable  bowel  Syndromes , for  last  2 Weeks  or  more  .

Otherwise  too    this  living  a  very  long   life  with relatively  good    physical  fitness ( so  long ) now  seems  an  Extra  -threat   for  me    when  all  my  hobbies  and  material  interest  in  further  possible extension  in 'Living ', --    seems  to    be    a  growing    headache .

That 's  all  for  now . 

Friday, July 17, 2015


With absurd words don`t knit   your thoughts
Nothig  is    free  , --  in any    form
the Cosmos is bound by trillions of knotts
the stars arn`t   free, nor  Sun or moon
and  the World is trapped like a cocoon.

Your life is bound in a million ways
Your sight  or senses, your nights or days
are bound by nature or cosmic string
you dance like a clown as your hormones sing

And   we   respond, as  our reflexes kick
All , -- cosmic puppet, can`t   know the trick
our trillions cells are   have  billion whips
to make us  dance or `tease or strip`

Your  'Free-will 'dream is the greatest joke
'HE'  pulls the string with the Master`s stroke
you play to the tune, yet `free` you think
 these  ' cosmic   ourselvess' with forgotten link!
April, 2012   


Tumeco Gittens338 days ago
Very nicely written.

Andy Aliyev338 days ago


Gareth How338 days ago
Good write sometimes confusing to understand.

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