Thursday, November 5, 2009


But do I feel sorry to return ? No . And this time , after 16 yrs of my life and experience in in the largest Democratic country and learning and experiencing so much in the afrenoon period of my life with my wife and ,-children who are married and settled there , I decided to seek back my old root of Culture and Heritage and give expression to my thoughts and soul, blooming out of my life-experience.
It is on the Bank of Ganges, about 15 miles away from the outer border of Kolkata , where I have happily found my place to settle , rest and contemplate. And I shall not declare the name of the place with purpose, to keep it close to me and further from public notice and record.I could have gone back to South Calcutta where i have a flat in my Parents house , but, at this afternoon or evening glow of living , I want to be away from the noisy city of mamon-life of vital battle and greed.I love that Place but I don't want to live back in the past.
My greatest satisfaction of searching out my desired nest 9 for this old evermigrating bird0 is that , people here and around are so nice ,polite , helpful,truthful nd open-hearted.. They represent the olden golden culture of India and Bengal before the unfortunate Invason history of Bharat from where the best brains and souls of Bengal flowered and spread.The proof of that lies in the nature of the simple. down-to-earth and down-trodden people of these place for whom poverty is not hated and grreed and cunning game is un-welcome.

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