Sunday, November 8, 2009


It is about a wek that I came to re-visit India and am staying on River-side of GANGA in West Bengal and miles away from kolkata(no more I like City- life).
After tussling with Jet-lag, now battling against a mild type of 'Flu' and am winning.
Mixed up with all these , yesterday got a saddening news from my sons through E-mail that Aban Mazumder, (the son of Dr. M. Mazumder and Dr. (Mrs)A. Mazumder of C.R. Park, Delhi ) Passed away in in U.S.A on friday last after suffering from Cancer(terminal Stage).
Yes.sadness can sometimes, affect one so much! Death is inevitable for all. But Aban Mazumder was such a good and brilliant person , yet so young in life, with a family and well settled in U.S.A.
Dr Mazumder and I ,both were students of Mrdical college, calcutta(he was one year junior), and Mrs (Dr).Mazuder is so nice a lady, highly cultured .They were our neighbours, in C.R Park since 1970s untill 2006. Now approaching 80 yrs, they had everything and reason to live happily.
Once born , every one has to die but not in this way !. For parents , living so happily at this octogenarian age and then to face such terrible shock of loss of a young brilliant son this way,seems to me , a tragedy that the old parents have the right to ask the Divine for an answer, to be consoled .

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