Monday, May 31, 2010


Come, sit beside me
fed up with this living
ye ,- yet the last hope
Sky wrapped in grief
dark cloud descends
to console the captive Earth.
Cosmos evolves and Space expands
galaxies dance with steller bloom
I am sent to witness and report .
Those who can clip a flower
to please the lover
are murderers too. ( written in April' o3)

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Now at eighty-plus
and still living or alive.
While then,...- at my teens
liked a girl - in my village
as if, my 'First Love'.
Don't know if she knew it or remember
don't know where is she, to-day !

Can't even remember her face
not even her name !

as they all say ----
I have Alz.
[composed on 27th May ''10]


Now at eighty-plus -while
then, at my teens
liked a girl - in my villege
like my 'First Love'.
Don't know if she knew it or remember
don't know where is she, to-day !

Can't even remember her face
not even her name
as they all say ----
I have ALZ.


Cerulean space and luminous Cloud
moutain tops with bed-spread snow
and I , as if, Existence alone !
Deeper the root and taller the tree
closer comes down , - azure sky!
Had a long , long life
loved and wept
enjoyed and suffered
for whom or for what .
Green foliage become pale
youth aging and sliding Sun
rolling life alaround .
'Sprig-time' - you told
and yet, - on western sky
it's Sun-set time. ( April '2003, )

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Seemed, like a pearl
on side-walk track
while on evening walk

Picked up and kept, with a smile
then, -it slipped from my grip
(I remember) while on return.

The gain and loss
balanced so well
the setting sun now hides

The curtain drops
on the stage of beyond
my shadow becoming tall.


On such sultry days/ it's better to keep awake / taking a reposing posture from day to day/ If I woo sleep - weariness grows apace / and I dream dreams that are fatiguing

No longer in my dreams / can i play the role of a prince, -of fairy tales / nor spin a yearn of the 'Winged Horse' /What foul weather waylays me / behind the screen of dreams / I retreat/ all over smeared with blood /ruthlessly smitten by nightmare

It's better far, to sit up and recline / and put up the semblance / of being alive.

(Translated , from Bengali poem of 1970s, by Umanath Bhattacharya).
* Title changed by the poet.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

THAT MAN ( my poem )

Something somewhere he must have lost / and it seems, he himself does not know / and with that state of mind he looks relieved//Loosing someone dear one may weep / loosing the dearest , feel suffocated otherwise /Or, after loosing all that is dear one may look like that man / for, he is not weeping nor looks overwhelmed with grief / yet so listless or extreme apathy has wrapped him around, - as if / nothing has happened nor can be happening now !
Measuring the overhead sky, he pricks his prickly-heat / Such contrast of existential apathy is the puzzling jest / maybe, even Buddha would have liked to emulate him / as if, he is seeking the Absolute empty space
And with that vacant mood he stays reclined / pricking his prickly -heat spots ,- now and then

Feeling such scenario has no value in life / I stood up and stepped aside from the mirror /
in front of me.
( written in Bengali in 1970-s ; translated by the poet on 05/20/10

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


A new life after consecration
no linger sorrow appears sorrowful to me
nor any gain as Happiness
And when , anything slips from my hand
there is no feeling of loss either.
My mental state is like the sore of a leper
the old ulcer always there , but no pain
me-seens, I have crossed over to haven of fulfilment
or achieved the fruit of penance
Time is ,yet, experimenting with me
and after this Game, -will discard me
regretting the waste of Time
There after, - dressed anew
I shall rise ,again , to be Re-born.
(translated from Bengali poem of 1970-80s ;by Umanath Bhattacharya )

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Like bastard babies abandoned to their fate
a few dew drops on the pale withered leaf
are startling in fear of the peering Sun.
Yet, this morn as a mother expectant
is blushing crimson ,- dreaming of a new-born.

This off-spring of moisture alone,- I see
not convinced by assurance of golden day
suspicious like the people, frustrated , -displaced
are dazed with panic, - finding no way
to survive , on that sere moribund leaf.

Apprehending their desiccated Death,, any time
under the triumphant Archway of crimson Sun
Lord, how they srink a-trembling
these dew-drops stranded !
Translated from Bengali poem (1960s) of Phani Basu by Umanath Bhttacharya in 1980)

Saturday, May 1, 2010


THE Capital's Institution of Learnijg
And Maya puri , where that poor man
had nothing to learn nor - a chance for it
but wanted to live his life , through hard work.

And he had to die
or was forced to learn the 'Chemistry of Fate'
and also more
though he had no business to know
yet was destined to die
in the 'FIRE''
of COBALT - 60
as, that was his fate !