Thursday, May 20, 2010

THAT MAN ( my poem )

Something somewhere he must have lost / and it seems, he himself does not know / and with that state of mind he looks relieved//Loosing someone dear one may weep / loosing the dearest , feel suffocated otherwise /Or, after loosing all that is dear one may look like that man / for, he is not weeping nor looks overwhelmed with grief / yet so listless or extreme apathy has wrapped him around, - as if / nothing has happened nor can be happening now !
Measuring the overhead sky, he pricks his prickly-heat / Such contrast of existential apathy is the puzzling jest / maybe, even Buddha would have liked to emulate him / as if, he is seeking the Absolute empty space
And with that vacant mood he stays reclined / pricking his prickly -heat spots ,- now and then

Feeling such scenario has no value in life / I stood up and stepped aside from the mirror /
in front of me.
( written in Bengali in 1970-s ; translated by the poet on 05/20/10

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