Monday, January 10, 2011


Yesternight , was spending time with Stephen Hawking on Discovery Channel at 9 pm (IST) on DISCOVERY - Channel..
Yes what was told in Vedantic days, in seed form ,is now scientificay expounded by Steephen Hawking, the 'Astavakra Muni' of Modern days on the basis of a huge Cosmic Genius i.e EINSTEIN.
And yes ! Real Time is Imaginary TIME , Expandabe and Elastic. Our own measure of 'Real -Time ; [of Reativity) is frozen-time ,trapped in the frozen Energy that we call matter-Universe.
In eariest Vedantic- Experience ['Darshahan'] our present COSMIC TIME was known as MAHAKAAL ( The root form of "Maha-Kali" of pre Arian Tantrik Faith.
Time -sense of 24x7 by our Gobal experience is variabe in different planets and other Solar systems with planetary siblings.
If our Indian Scientist went through the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda (pre-Einstein)in their RATIONAISTIC jOURNEY, they would have found myriads of Relativistic 'Revelations' expounded even before Einsteins Theory of Relativity of 1905.
And Swami vivekananda died in 1902 i,e quite before 1905. And the hidden content of my projecting thought is : Even Vivekananda was not the Author of all those 'reveations of 'REALITY' but expounded the 'Seed-form' of Spritual experiences of earier spiritual Giants , incuding his Own GURU -Sri Ramakeishna.
Yes, -Real Time is Imaginaery-Time & Unidirectional. Our own earthly TIME is Time frozen in the Field of RELATIVITY. And there are many reaiities of 'PAST & FUTURE ' just within a few inches or feet but seperated by un-penitrabe DIMENSIONS of Eternal and CYCIC UNIVERSES ,[Just like yesterday Dicovery picture of Stephen Hawkings who was taking on TIME-Macine but whom I never could touch , even by breaking the TV - Screen ,

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