Wednesday, April 13, 2011


TWO SISTERS {Experimental poetry ]

Two sisters I learnt about in Bible
who were liberated by Jesus

Two sisters , I knew about from
Kathamrita of Sri M -
who were blessed by Rama krishna
and lived so happily -ever since

They were both and in either events
ever spinisters or un-married as told

In my life as an octogenarian
whie in Konnagar , I came to know
two sisters and both of them un-married
and nearly of my age and cutured too
well off and both with beauty and grace
with some inner glow and happy face

Feel so fortunate tohave these friiends
with their brother and his wife and son
all living together with pets in numbers
as if they have evrything and all around !
*** ***** ***** *****
And , -to day I Iearn from Media
two sisters both un- married too
living in Noida of Delhi -metropol
they had every thng in life - money and home
suffering depression and meaning-ess life
loclked up within ---mind & soul
also from people all around
and none to love or hate or communicate'
;and when rescued - one died of the two.

They had only a pet that also died
a year before ; thus everything lost
inspite of everything they had once
but the soul , when empty -the world is lost !

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