Sunday, April 17, 2011


DILEMA [Election - India ]

To vote or not to vote ; that is the Question
If the PM can be absent from voting , being pre-occupied
why can't I do the same -or
where violence or mafia-norm is the way
why should i risk my life ?
Sermons and quotations are very good
for commercial political dream
or for gaining power through distorted means
even if titled 'Democratic -scheme'

To vote or not to vote ; is the burning issue to me
when, in democracy , even vultures fill up sky
or hayenas and hounds are prowling the land
how to face it or escape or- otherway - try !

To vote or not to vote ; or , be pre-occupied
when Chaos and murder the tide
for mfia-fans and nowhere to go
or even a hole to hide !

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