Saturday, May 7, 2011

AUTOBIOGRAPHY :Sprouting Consciousness

1944-45 Era
['greatest liers are autobiographers' - said Mark Twain and i don't disagree,if it is anything but Truth]

So I shall be selective and print the field of general issues and some perresonal expwiences that I can still remember ,even after coming out side eighty yras of life span.

It was early 1940s when I was in the remotest part of Indian Villege -life where even a bi-cycle was a news or excitement. Of cuourse I was in a school, perhaps class viii or ix and started leaning about the out- side world beyond our villeges and a steamer that steamed with exciting churning noises , creating waves ( the river was in front of our school and initiated lots of imaginations in me.. I was not a bad student by villege standard and our school had good reputation wihin 5 mile-radius.
Of course to m,e the Sun was always rising (did not matter, what the world was doing then) but was ever flat enough for us and as we experienced and it did not matter to me what the Science books said. but one thing bothered me too much.
I had to read 'Dying Sun ' in my text book that told that the Sun was just a burning huge furnace of Coal only and would get finished within measurable time. There was no Einstein -era in our world and that did not make any difference . but of Course Hitler, Big war (W.war II), Netaji Subhash and the knowledge that English People were our' Master' were the scattered outside-knowledge around us and that also did not affect by rural joy and juvenile happiness.
But this burning -out of this limited coal-reserve in the SUN, in my text-book teased my sprouting consciouness first and for long.
It was 1944-45 , perhaps but before the Atom-Bomb dropped on Hiro shima .So, the reader , if there is any, can very well understand where was I on the Cosmic Scale of knowledge with my book of knowledge in my school- syllabus where the SUN was just a burning Coal -reserve, ....... And to day I am reading about "Endless Universes" by Steinherd & turok ! ...
.Metamorphosis of what !!(contd)

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