Sunday, May 8, 2011

Boy-hood with Conscious growth & expeience

1945 - 47

After 1945 , late half I came to District town Barisal and admitted in Brajomohan School (B.M.School) , Barisal , whehere in B,M college my two elder brothers were studying . It was a great experience and excitement.... I can ,almost vividly visuallise the steamer left Nalcity and was nearing the Barisal Town. The visual beauty was so freat treat to my eyes that I kept on staring at the the lights from upper deck of the huge steamer almost mesmarised and as if all the stars from heaven landed down on the bank like a necklace , a sight and experience that only cosmologist , perhaps couldbetter describe when they first looked through the Hubble's telescope.''''..................................................
any way landed down on barisal town ike a boy on the wonderland and was put on a Tonga ( Horse- cart for 4 or 50 and was galloping to wards our destination Kaunia, the north-western part of the Town. The whole way , i was was almost licking on every brick and stone and getting dazzled by street gas-lamps and electric light here and there.
Our place was on the side oa canal and two rooms or a part of a pacca bulding.There was even elrctric light and as if i got every thing in life that a boy of my age could ask for.
I was a class IX -standard boy and there were so many bright ones around me and all accepted the vllage boy like me. My friends were Nripen and and the other Amritavo das Gupya who was so much brilliant that , n later time in 1947, stood @nd in the Matriculation of Calcutta university and got lettermarks in all the subject( a record first).
I shall like to skip over other so many events because it is almost a 65 yrs back-events and my mrmory may not be a full=oroof. But one thing : I can't forget the memory of my walking with my two friends on Barisal Riverbank in the afternoon. ... In after-life I have raored and travelled out of India to Europe to U.S.S and even Russia. I spent almost 17 years in U.S.A . Yet i dare to claim that Barisal River-view was or stil perhaps one of best visual -treat and even now alive within me..
The other memory ,in retrospect,, that incites joyous feeling within me is that Now famous Poet Jibananada Das was teaching in B.M College and I must have seen him many times there or on River banks ,

In 1947 I passed Matriculation and was dreaming of cllge life in B.M college but my dream was shattered like a greek Tragedy and Motherland was stabbed and teared into two and I had leave my mother-kands lap and was transferred to western part of Divided India I.e Calcutta.Certain tragic experienc does not leave after deathand this seperation will ever live with me, even beyond Death.

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