Monday, May 9, 2011

MY Poem


To day , the 9th of May
and 151 year of Rabindra Jayanti day
its 12 noon on the Clock -IST
Should not everyone dance and sing in joy !

yes, they are doing just that
while on TV ,- I learn , as I watch
that Sabina Khatun,- a girl of only seven
poor and thirsty , like the story in 'Les Miserabewhile'
while stealing a watermelon
in the village of Harishchandra -pur
was beaten to deathi i
in front of a full village crowd
of un-masculine men.

While the girl was lying dead
the murderer was allowed to flee
by spineless cowardly men.!

No! -I didnot attend to day
any Rabindra Jayanti fest. or feast.
For me, this Rabindra-day
is smeared with deatth of a hungry child
Sabina Khatun of Harishchandrapur

And my 'Rabindranath' too
died ! -in the divided Land
'West Bengal ' as named -and
with residual Culture dumped
more than six decades back.

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