Sunday, May 8, 2011

My Life

MY LIFE 1947 - 49 ;( Snappy sketches)

I came back from my village to Barisal to learn about the reult of matriculation . ..[.got first divn. lettermarks(<80%) in 2-3 subj math,,sanskrit and geography(?)].....More than joy, the uncetainty of living loomed large on us . Worst! - scenarion of Cmmunal -riots with random killing & burning of houses and homes , all over Behgal staged the 'dance of death' and wild inferno was the story of India and with demand for freedom were the larger picture that even a boy of 15 yrs-age like me shall never forget.
Luckily there was no Riot or killing in our town! .Satin Sen the hero of Barisal saved our lives as he was hugely popular. powerful and influencial.Yet every evening the town -sky was filled up with 'Bande-mataram' and 'Alla-ho-Akbar'. We were taken into ' Defense-Clubb' and each of us (Ypung boys) was given a 4 -inch knife for self -defense . I still rememeber that I was to sit ,aone , in the dark with a knfe and nolight behind and 'look-out' in some bush with scores of mosquitoes feeding on our blood and with distant far-away -Allah -ho- Akbar' slogans on the outer margin of Barisal.
By june '47 we came to our village . Our village had about 100-some homes with 90 %muslims. And before 1946, we never knew what Communal clash or riots were! We even used to join Id & Mohurum ceremonials in Muslim hoses and they would join our festivals, moe particulaly , during Puja-time 'theaters' and 'Jatra'.
But the whole mood and mind turned in reverse way after the Famous ' Noakhali - Riot". My father now decided to leave our ancestral home and place and in July'47 we three brothers came to Calcutta for our further studies while the rest of our family members were left behind for the time.
That is how I with my two elder brothers came to KHULNA town by steamer and from there by train to Calcutta. That was a great experience indeed and yet adventerous and exciting! I still remember vividly that, the train was so full or packed and my elder brother had to pay 50 paise to a porter(Kulee) to push - me in through some window. There was no question of a seat and one had to thank heaven if one could get a standing base and could manage to control the bladder and rectum until we reached sealdah and yes, we reached Calcutta as refugee boys.....yet I was so much happy to have experienced a Train -journey first in my life and I was not mature enough to feel or experience the pain of divisin of my mother-land,
I was so excited to be in a tram while coming through Harrison road unto a stop where we got down to get to our temporary shelter on Beniatola lane in one of our relatives' two-room accomodation with eight-heads to live in.
I was admitted in Bangabasi college - Y-section (the last alphabet)and we were 170 students . Bangabasi College ( once a National College ) never refused admition to a refugee boy and was nearest to Seadh train-station.
I had a wish to be in Scotish Church College as there was co-education .I had never enejoyed the closeness of girls of my age as we were not permitted even to be close to our reative-girls in rural life with social strictures.. Though I had a good result and was entitled any coleges but as I reached Calcutta too late (july'47 ), admission in amost all colleges were closed.
But I made a last try .Met Madhusudan Sarkar of Scotish Church college( known to my aunt and even begged for a favour. When he knew that I was already in Bangabasee college ,explored my secret desire /motive in Sherlock Holmes style and became very blunt. He told me ,on the face, that coming from a village and now in Cacutta I was going to be a spolt , do-nothing boy inspite of better possibility. He advised me to concentrate more on books and study than dream of girls'-company and aked me to leave.
That was my first encounter with realities of Calcutta-life.(contd)

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