Sunday, May 15, 2011


Sunday, May 15, 2011

I believe in DIVINITY but not in GOD if HE or SHE has a Belly-button or if that God is born out of a Mother ( Ref- Michio Kaku's view in-Parallel Universe).

I do not believe in a God that is regional , Ethnic , Sectarian , Geographical in origin and whose power and gift is limited to only a section of Homo-sap iens or does include all living sphere anywhere or every where.

Just as Electron or proton has no ethnic base and visual identity other than in the sphere of manifestation , my Divinity has no Identity -Card or detectable Shape.

Yes, I believe in 'Grand Design ' of Stephen Hawking but I do not believe that Grand Design is possible without a 'DESIGNER'

I also belive what Stephen Hawiking ,recently said that GOD didnot create the Universe nor his ( every- day ) interference is necessary; I agree here also with extended view and support of VEDANTA -Darshan (no t' phiosophy' that Like a spider bringing out a spider-net out of itself, this COSMOS was projected in the Cosmic -Intelligece- Fied of the Divine........The question of 'Creation' does not arise as , for creation one has to gather material from outside . And The real GOD( my Divinity ) has no outside or inside beyond.
As such the Word CREATION' is a defective term in English vocabulary , if applied in the Field of Divinity. In short, Divinity did not Create Cosmos but ' Manifested ' ITSELF in IT and reflected all manifestations through Spread- out
mirror-effect CONSCIOUS- FIELD , through Conscious -intelligent Homo -Sapiens.

Once the Chess-game was Designed,, even the Inventor himself has to play by its Rule and the Inventor need be present or poke his nose in each Game or Competition . Here also . Stephen Hawking is right.Like Rain-drops coming down from the SKY , rising from the ocean, every thing in the COSMOS is the terminal products of DIVINE-CONSCIOUSNESS ,

Thus is detailed my faith in DIVINITY , Also, I think I am like a PC within Field of limitation and without a n Internet-Connection by Conscious capacity is Limited likes an Eclosed tiny Capsule.

posted by Phani Basu @ 7:07 PM 0 comments

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

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