Thursday, June 30, 2011


The Way I Want to Remember Him to My Children :

Neither You my children nor your mother would be there ,to day , if Mejh da did not save me that day , about 74 -75 years back and when we both were mere boys.
(I learnt the events as follows , from my grand mother afterwards )

I was 7 or 8 yrs old and getting drowned in our big villege pond in Barisal. After the first phase , i was floating with my face down, [before sinking finally ].
It was rainy and cloud -cast evening time in Rural Barisal.
Mejh da was returning after his game. ...saw some thing floating and thought it some nut-leaf floating and tried to try his aim on it (me )with an earth -ball and immediately reflexly or with sixth sense impulse knew and shouted loud --Maa....maa.... Pha... Pha........
My grand mother came running fast ... jumped down ...rescued me ....put me on her h( with my belly pressed on her head ) and started revolving on her feet to throw all water that I swallowed - out of my belly.
Only a few minutes delay by mejh da that day or lapse in noticing would have written my life off from the subsequent life-story of myself !
Yet, I was saved and am living even to day.
But for Mejhda's presence there that day I would have been dead 74 - 75 yrs back.
And none of you would be now reading this strange tale.

Mejh da, I love you still and so much !.........
you are an inseperable part of my living !

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