Sunday, July 17, 2011


Now i am 80-plus , measuring the length in time . For triuth-sake i am two yrs older than my recorded age. The discrepency is not my device . It was a social norm in our very Rural system for schooling, not before seven.
Any way .. now i am on the finish-line , i think , my very long journey in life with lots and lots of bumps and slips and bags of experiences ......
I am now resting in Konnagar, Hoogly ,of west bengal like a migrating bird , at last returned on the last lap of flights and resting ,finaly , perched on the final nest.
.................. My living interest or this sticking to LIFE (Existing-biological) is dwindling down .and I feel i am ready for the 'Jump-out' with the COSMIC sanction.
......My fina wish is for a Ocean/ sea- burial and at my cost and with the approval of my wife ,daughter and two sons.
I wish my Art works and literary ventures (printed & manuscrips) will be preserved
by my chidren out of the savings that i shall leave behind and in one the two flats that I have owned in Konnagar.
The left over savings will be my children's wealth and with their approval for Social cause or Cultural enterprise.
On my death and after,- no-one should face hardship or strain and should have their normal living, unless they decide themselves otherwise.
My last wish : throughout my life i have enjoyed eating lots and lots of fishes -dead and alive...... And I wish after DEATH my dead-body should be offered to the Ganga Sagar , sunk to some depth with weight( of my body weight ) so that all species of Fishes can have a nice meal as equity-balance of my living habits.

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