Friday, July 15, 2011


Rana , Specially for You ,[ after being inspired by that' KMOMA' - Episode etc ].

I remember , yet , and vividly the day when migrating to Calcutta , after 'Partition' in 1947-'48, may father , one day took me to kalighat, calcutta to a Priest who was well known for knowing 'future' of one by looking and studying one's face and head.( may be he came to Delhi , sometimes , stayed in fathers boarding house and was thus known to him ).
that was my age (16/17) when i did not know anything about 'occult power' , nor had the spirit or desire to believe or dis-believe any thing . I still remember that he went on telling something to my father after some time of looking at me and not even touching me . It was not palmistry nor astrology but a sort of Physiognomy .

That was a time and my age when i had no interest nor capacity for deeper-world but in retrospect , to day , I feel that he had great occult power because so many things happened in my life as he predicted. [after wards , you may remember or learn from your mother that in 1980s some south Indian Tantrik came to our house in CRPark and told so many things about you all that even impressed your maa................................................................

Anyway, shuffling through my later life,after my first Book of Poems - CACTUS ( 1968), Premendra Mitra put me on the top rank of poets (written words) and Subhash Mukopadhyaya (jnyanpith award winner) wrote - 'some of your poems have touched the very route of my soul ' and another critique wrote about me as 'Vini-Vidi -Vici "( for my first book)......Was even advised to shift my base from Delhi to Clacutta. ...But I did not, for i had no competitive -appetite.
After my second Book - Dwitya britta' in '72, In Calcutta weekly AMRITA , Jagyeswar Roy equalled my talent with KAFKA(Nobel Laureate). ..... and even then , my whim forced me to change my name to 'Parashar'.

No sense in living on past and thriving on memory...I feel and still am confidant that I write better poems than many or perhaps any of the present 'famous poets in Bengal.
but that priest of Kalighat expressed that I shall never be known or have fame proportional to my capacity( neither in Close circuit-Society nor beyond).
.................................................................. Even in the field of Art, the Grand-son of Abanindranath Thakur compared me with Van Gog and Ahibhusan took me to the level of RODIN (recorded). And Bengal ART College CO-OPTED me as a Member (Creative Art), even though I was an amateur..

But in the Mammon -world Media & Aggressive Publicity is a MUST..And there the things happened as that Priest told ... and I am not at all UN-happy or lost because I lived to do as I liked and whimmed.

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