Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Was told, -darker the night advances , brighter shines the stars
Was told , bursting the pale MORN , ENTERS THE MORNING SUN
was further surmoned,--trampling this anaemic -TIME
Once the LIONIC - Past Ruled this Ancestral LAND
This MOTHER Land Existed and Expanded beyond all shores
with this much consolation, I searh the Banyan -Time and walk the talk'

Was told, more the SUN climbs the blue, more Matures the Day
turning all stones, -I search and seek those golden way
Appealing to the deaf SKY,-- laughs loud the Cynic TIME
and the Modern days come , shouldering the IMPOTENT MILLENIUM now
DESpair is mounted like the hoisted NATIONAL FLAG
After each Coal-tar night enters the more threatened Morn !

Then where can find , the washed-clean aftermath-way
Or the temple-space with adoring loving day
All manuscripts , i search, are studded with knitted lies
after each deadly bleeding night, Q-es up the gasping morn
Tears roll down from the potential pregnant hope
the conspiring CORRUPT Minds, are aborting all possible births.

Then Re-Establish the other day with clenched teeth and iron-grips
Then, promise and plan for another better way
Then over-throw all suffocating built -up , opressing stones
Barter for the Golden shine ,- betting even life as last exchange
Listen once more the weeping cry of pregnant Time
( Was written in Bengali (1970-75 ); Now translated and posted)
and pray not or beg but Liberate the Baby -the CAESARIAN -WAY !

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