Saturday, October 1, 2011


No I CAN't forget him nor I shal. It was i twas between 19 55 and 1960. He was just a sales man in his brother-in law's shop in Gole Market , , near Cannought Place , New Delhi. He was 5 or 6 years older than me and lived in Paharganj.... Short-built very fair and ever jovial. He knew how to smile and laugh in any situation and infecting every one around. Most impressive was was his face . When he aughed with his shining teeth you could butjoin him1

He was then abot 30 as already told a service -man in 'Great Eastern Stores'. And I. a doctor doing my House jof in Irwin Hospital ., used to live in the Boarding House busines space of my father at 13 Lady hardinge road and my spare time hobby was just to observe this MAMU's(As I adressed him) in-born talent to deal with peope of any ranks , ordinary or high, Secretary level( then Mr.S Dutta Ambassader to USSR used to vist this Great Eastern Stores,-often)

What invoved me mostt that every one woud come and seek this 'Mamu' for their shopping and other help. And ike al iving magnet his presence and smile and talk would keep every one stuck to the counter like iron file to the magnet,

I have seen, even, his convincing a client that SULEKHA Kali , is an Impoted material, makeing the client look at him with dropped jaw and almost willing to beieve. His metod of convincig was that the shipment carrying that SUEKHA was diverted to another country during a storm and then was redirected ti India. I was standing by on the counter that day and wanted to take in every word and the way he said it.

How can I forget such a charming and joly good fellow who coud keep you aughing even when you have painful gum ! And i can go on and on teling about him !

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