Monday, August 6, 2012


Truth  or  perception  ;  what is  real
Each  so  divergent  on  Canvas  of  Life
Experience  so  complete,  often  explodes
Long term beliefs, oftener , like  unfaithful  lover
--Explode !

Our  Solar  azure  sky  eludes ,even today
The  Galactic Space  remains  , ever  Jet-Black
EMF , even now the  greatest  trick-Master
The  more  that is  revealed , the lesser  of the  Whole
--becomes !

One-fourth , the DARK-Matter, -yet  beyond our  FRAME
With  six percent  Matter-energy ,  we  boast  to know  Cosmos
Scientists , please  admit ,- you  poised   too much
When  73 % , the  DARK-Energy  is  yet  not  known
or found !

Why  do  we   boast  so much  and  sing  our  victory so loud
And  dare  to  deny the  UN-knowable  DESIGNER . -GRAND
Even when we  did not  create  a 'Boson'  but  only  found
"And  miles   to  go "  yet  dear,  before  the  'Mystery'  is  at  last
--OUT !

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