Thursday, May 28, 2015

ATMA - GEETA   Part   -  I
Give  up  all  attachments    --- for
what  you are  attached  to  is  not  real
but  shadows  or  mirages ; as  because
the  Universe  is  only  the  STAGE
for  a  game  in living  - life
like  the  video -  Play-s  on the  T,V - screen
and  all  displayed  are  only  reacting  thoughts
of  E.M.F  -  Tricks

The   ABSOLUTE  is  the  only    REAL  and  ultimate
that   we  know  as  First  - Cause
while  all  Else  and  We
are  merely  within  THAT.

Our Mind and  thoughts ;  all  perceptions  are
only  reflective   Conscious-  play  of  the  Divine.
THAT  is  the  only  and  All  Else   are   --- none
but dancing  Points  of  luminous  Consciousness
Realize  this   much  and move  beyond
and  be  good .

Being  good  is  not  moral   nor Social  theme
but  positive  extension   of  Love  -  Divine .
Transliteration   of  the  Scripture ( to  fit  the  21st  Century  Modern  Science ):
by  Hiranmoy  Gautom : Published  in  Poetry .com  ( 2006 ), USA.
Published  now  in   Blog by Pibi ( Phanibhushan ).

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