Sunday, September 20, 2009


The other day some one sent me an E-mail asking the above question. I was immediately involved in contemplation : i]The querry itself was questioable ,gramatically - as is God a third person ,singular number to use the word 'does' !II] if God exists,where does he exists and where not ? III]Is God then both . a biological being with a belly button like human being; if so then what ? if other species say, baffallows claim that they must also have,, god with two horns.
iv] My faith tells me that god is only a symbol or metaphor to represent Divinity, or in anotherway God does not exist but EXISTENCE itself. v] We are not outside God or Under God pat 'quantum' - part of God or Divine. vi] God is not a subject of intellectual discussion but a state of awareness and realisation. vi]As we are all and the Universe are within the field of 'Relativity' and the Divine is both inside it and beyond , GOD, the Absolute can only be understood when we realise or can comprehend . Like a tree ,below in earth, on the earth and above, unto sky ,God ,as divinity is omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, everywhere at the same moment , and in all spheres of space-time unto infinity,a condition for that existence

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