Monday, September 14, 2009


Maybe, some day it will be proved that 'Faith' is also a hormone that is produced in our body (may be from the pineal gland or may be somewhere else between liver & and pineal gland). I may be wrong but this thought (or faith ) I am carrying for last 50 yrs. Like Genetics , faith might also have a solid scientific basis. Why not !
And About Spirituality: Spiritual feeling/attitude may be the effect of "Other Light"( not from Electromagnetic -field) which is pure white Light without thermal effect and the source of which is not within the Field of Relativity but beyond i.e from another source , the field of "Reality', that stimulates or illuminates our enclosed field "Consciousness'.
As yet , they are only my thoughts , like a 'thesis or without basis. - Hiranmoy gautom.

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