Monday, August 23, 2010


BHARAT ('India' - 'Hindustan' are Invaders 'Slang'
Monday, August 23, 2010
DEMOCRACY I think, is the highest form of Socio-Political Structure of a Nation where 100 % people are Democrat and where you need mo 'Police man ' on the street and evry one lives on Equity basis . It is almost Utopian / Platonic and exists nowhere.
Even COMMUNISM of MARXIAN ideal is as good as DEMOCRACY and relativistic-way more feasable but with the indispensible induction of POLICE-Man to activate and maintain.
In the present World , , there is nowhere TRUE COMMUNISM nor DEMOCRACY.
U.S.A is some where near the middle of the Ladder not becuse they are better men but because America is 4 times the size , with one-fourth POPULATION of INDIA[ Like a milionair's son who can throw out money wiyhout being Philanthropic].

At no time of the WORLD , all nations will be Democratic or Communistic . It is not the PLAN OF NATURE [or Life-Principle] and this is COMMON-SENSE (never common).

One point more, If in INDIA's Past, RAMACHANDRA had DEMOCRACY and his famous followers were allowed a Parliamentary Way, -well, I don't know or dare to expand the issue !
Posted by Phani Basu at 6:30 PM 0 comments

Friday, August 20, 2010


Scientists have identified OUR [Human Race as a whole] Mitichodrial FIRST MOTHER ! Great and Good !
But WHO was or were our FATHER/FATHERS.
By the TREND this MAMMON-IK HUman Race is moving FORWARD[ (?)BACKWARD ], I think, like DRAUPADI of MAHABHARATA [had 5/6 Husbands],We had 5/6 'First Fathers'. They are : [GOOD , BAD , UGLY, MAMMON-IKE , DEMONOC and CANINE-HYBRID .

" Now is the winter' of SENSUAL thirst and Greed ! [Synthetic Shakespeare ]

It means the Mammon & Canine Siblings are gaining 'upper hand' status before final 'Disolution' or LALI-YUG !
There are dozens of Informations in my file to support my thesis.
Let some great scientist/ Sharlock Holmes take up the 'SEARCH'.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Rises from my soul like ,- Incense-burn
or curls up like a creeper
with twists and turn
spreading fragrance ,float or fly
as if, my words -
are all doves or aspiring birds
with spread out wings
for some mystic flight
to an ethereal unknown cerulean Sky !
(Written on this screen, just now)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010



Ladies and gentle men ,
you all bother so much , -but why ?
Now with finishing touch
tha Giants and minors - have set the Stage.

no to-morrow will you see again
The Neutron Bomb
has codensed the life of you and all
within a Nuclear switch
a split -second Touch, - the click and tick
of some Political whim
shall wipe off all life-, -on this Earth
So ! why you strife and for what ?

To day
try in whatever way
there won't be another day.
Plead or praty , they're all in vain
the Demonic Ego ,now, can not stop
and after the Neutron -drop
the Sun will rise
but not for you or me
the World shal ,in split second, a Grave-yard be
Human race shall die -the ' Unified -Death'
and after the UNIQUE Flash
no one to survive, to Desire or to Clash!
[Was composed in bengali in late 1960s and transcreated in Eng lish in !980s ; now edited]
posted by phani basu at 6:13 pm 0 comments

Sunday, August 8, 2010

ONCE , THAT WAS --------!

Once -that was a time and when
I could make any temptation , stand and wait
at the cross-road -life of mine, while
holding your hand , -I said
let us voyage or swim ,as this is our time !

You indexed far away to distant star, twinkling bright
I was not afraid nor did hesitate once - and because
that was another life and time ,
so , any temptation could stand and wait
at any of my cross-road -life.

And to day
as I try to climb , slip down or sweat
your foot prints. there, fade away soon!
yet , I remember, there was time, -when
I could command my other pleasures - 'wait'
on cross-road-life there and hold
your bird-feather hand and return a smile !


Walk back slow - from the Stage
the foot- loght dims
return, now to green room
All make-up on face, the transplanted paints
the mask or that camouflage-glow
or out-sourced pigments , -on the cheeks
Wash them off to come back - clean.
Undress then ; dropp off all dressing -game
or borrowed cream.

Now, if you can, come out again
with naked courage
down to the foot-light - where
the dispersing audience , drugged with words or dazed
and eager to leave .

And you too
take the easy poise and stand, ,-facing all
speak from inside-heart ---
' i am not acting , anymore now ,-or
talking from script
I am the real man , -from within.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


For the Globe
the Count-down starts
as 'REVELATION 'told, or Science predicts
or VEDANTA said four
thousands or , more years back
Or , it may, - like Cloud-burst that happened in Leh
or like Tsunami-s of the World - all inified
and with inflated Oceans - drowning the Earth.
No more chance to make -'Noah's Arc'.
OR, -with smoke- screen ,thick by whch Mosscow suffers now
Biblical-Death riding , White Horse and intense fire
million-times that of Hiroshima -death
thousand of Nucelar stars raining down
or your Scientific Black-hole , - Crunch
or like Kali-yug of VEDIC Songs!

Why tremble , dear, or buckle down
It will be only the Collective DEATH
with Suoer-glow - exit togethe, all
as decided by DIVINE -otherwise
By you the self-willed Conscious MAN..
posted by phani basu at 9:18 pm


NUCLEAR WAR - the Final show
Count-Down started - and ,any when, now
Fire- works begin
Both groups have,really,- more than enough !

Why you bother so much !
Let half the World starve or cry
for a single meal or hunger thrive
or milion die ;even more ?- so what !
Do not not get disturbed by warning signs
or skeletal shapes of babies - everywhere .
The Nuclear Olympic is at the door
the unrivalled Game for either side !

Some reflex act or automatic Switch
Some Super-brain-reflex or electronic Clsh
some forgotten measure or inciting slip
and ,then like Lightning- Flash
shall light up the Globe and sky above
and Next?

None to know ,as no one shall remain
to report - or witness
the NUCLEAR -OLYMPIC GAME - or Aftermath.
posted by phani basu at 6:30 pm 0 comments { composed on August, 8 ;2010 ,IST)


[Remembering HIROSHIMA of Post WORLD WAR II]

The War ,at last, ends
Whichever way now look
deaths in thosands dis-membered , burnt
charred or crushed
all around dwellings are turned to ash
as the WAR does end.

Whether a Victor or Victim , now
you repent and weep , the either side
Now you sign for peace
now you want to wash clean , -with helpess tears
you the victor or the sufferring victim -find
the Demonic War does end.

Better, take your stock or- count and feel
all around the dead, and melting mounds
the maggots, countless crowd and crawl
patrify or pitrify all your hopes and dreams
whether you win or lose
only the warring Stage does win in final count
You both and all your allies are
only the actors or pawns
on the Stge of WAR AND DEATH !
{written on 10/11/75 in Bengai, Transpirated on 07/08/2010]


Death is a lie
I, now, know - I shall not die
It is a 'play - the unique myriad whim of Divine.
There is no Death , -only change or transcendence
or some endless re-cycling device of re-appearance
That singular 'Player' ,step by step, descends
under the whim of that only ONE !
who himself is trapped by SELF-Design -like
where the Sun-rises,there it sets again.
That lone player designed to play ITS game
with endless mystic points of conscious move
where no one dies - and because
it is a singular Dream that never breaks 1

That you were born , - is also a Lie
you are also the descending ray and Conscious part
of that Game !
Desire to rise, - or climb beyond ?
Return to thyself and rest within
without noise or movemrnt but only contemplate .
[Trans-created today from original Bengali poem composed on 03/08/2001]

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Where am I and whom to ask ask
no one around and walking alone!
Oh , tired mind better stop now here
and recapitulate all once more .

Where is thy goal and whom thou seek
do you know it well ?
Why ,so much desire within thee
and look yet so a-thirst ?

The on-going Journey stretched beyond
No , it's not, - a fancy 'Doll's house'
Born with a 'cry'; and stretched, strained life
in experiencjng it is - they fulfilment.

The horizon too, looks eagerly beyond
as if it's also much confused
wher is that end - thy 'El-dorado' !
Al-aroud is only 'Void' , Contemplate my soul.
[composed in Begali( a song )in 1970s and transcreated into a poem today]