Friday, August 20, 2010


Scientists have identified OUR [Human Race as a whole] Mitichodrial FIRST MOTHER ! Great and Good !
But WHO was or were our FATHER/FATHERS.
By the TREND this MAMMON-IK HUman Race is moving FORWARD[ (?)BACKWARD ], I think, like DRAUPADI of MAHABHARATA [had 5/6 Husbands],We had 5/6 'First Fathers'. They are : [GOOD , BAD , UGLY, MAMMON-IKE , DEMONOC and CANINE-HYBRID .

" Now is the winter' of SENSUAL thirst and Greed ! [Synthetic Shakespeare ]

It means the Mammon & Canine Siblings are gaining 'upper hand' status before final 'Disolution' or LALI-YUG !
There are dozens of Informations in my file to support my thesis.
Let some great scientist/ Sharlock Holmes take up the 'SEARCH'.

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