Saturday, August 7, 2010


NUCLEAR WAR - the Final show
Count-Down started - and ,any when, now
Fire- works begin
Both groups have,really,- more than enough !

Why you bother so much !
Let half the World starve or cry
for a single meal or hunger thrive
or milion die ;even more ?- so what !
Do not not get disturbed by warning signs
or skeletal shapes of babies - everywhere .
The Nuclear Olympic is at the door
the unrivalled Game for either side !

Some reflex act or automatic Switch
Some Super-brain-reflex or electronic Clsh
some forgotten measure or inciting slip
and ,then like Lightning- Flash
shall light up the Globe and sky above
and Next?

None to know ,as no one shall remain
to report - or witness
the NUCLEAR -OLYMPIC GAME - or Aftermath.
posted by phani basu at 6:30 pm 0 comments { composed on August, 8 ;2010 ,IST)

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