Thursday, August 5, 2010


Where am I and whom to ask ask
no one around and walking alone!
Oh , tired mind better stop now here
and recapitulate all once more .

Where is thy goal and whom thou seek
do you know it well ?
Why ,so much desire within thee
and look yet so a-thirst ?

The on-going Journey stretched beyond
No , it's not, - a fancy 'Doll's house'
Born with a 'cry'; and stretched, strained life
in experiencjng it is - they fulfilment.

The horizon too, looks eagerly beyond
as if it's also much confused
wher is that end - thy 'El-dorado' !
Al-aroud is only 'Void' , Contemplate my soul.
[composed in Begali( a song )in 1970s and transcreated into a poem today]

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