Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

[Experience: Saw a DEAD Beggar at the crossed -Road ,Karol Bag, DELHI in winter ,1962 '. The poem was composed between 65--'66 ]

Alas ! ---Oh GOD ----
how to console you !
Your failed creative effort ---- now ashamed
and printed on the dead-open eyes , ---of the beggar Dead !
Yet the man was born , (-by your choice) like , in human -way !
Even the stray- dog of that tobaco -shop
is wagging his tail with indulgene of the owner there -and
that beggar , now dead , could not get even a little of that !
But what pleasure did you derive, -tell
By shaping off his tail in your evolutionary -Joy
In his life , strugging to survive , in -spit- of
insects , mosquitoes or rain
and indifferent ,adverse civillised world
now paid back all his dues -to you
through his last instalment - his breath and silent HEART
exhaling out his last and poisoned breath , -on your face
for -- revenge !
And I was there and witnessed it

In his final DEATH, all his unpaid credit-dues --- repaid in full !
Betwix the partig lips --dry and dead
'PEACE ' that he never got in life, is resting now !
In puffing out of his final breath
and , now , he paid you back-the LIFE
that you gifted, knowing ,even - so fake !

The cold naked body ----lying stiff
while slammed and shut its doors ,--on your face
there I could see --all your creative Seasons, --summer, spring or rain
kicked out like UN-wanted guests, --from his ife.
And --
the leucodermic , leperous Day
refused by his indifferent -poise
or ,-even from his opaque- eyes
like kicked -out stray dog with tail , betwix legs
ran out of his way !
(Transcreated to- day from the Bengali poem , published in CACTUS [Bengali -book ], 1969, Calcutta)

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