Sunday, November 6, 2011


The Biologic ROBOT
with injected life and 'Consciousness- lumination '
beyond Visible LIGHT or EMF -TRICK
Subtler than any " thing'
and the GAME
sprayed over all the Cosmic Field
by the whim of a lonely JEST-ER
ever ---UNKNOWN !
He or she or IT
liked to feel amused - being ever alone
with ETERNITY ever, -within !
Betwixt the Waste -pipe and the Swear
the JEST-ER designed and hid
the treasure-trove of
Passion and Love
suffused with the spectrum of hormnal flow
for perceptual joy.

The eternal 'Play 'or the Game
can never end nor snap like ,- DREAM !
For ,-----otherwise
the Desigher will have none to meet
or to mate
and would be bored , ever within
with the sef
Himslef-herself or Itself
with NONE to be with -and
with no ----OUT or WITHIN !
even to ESCAPE !

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