Friday, November 4, 2011


Of Phani Basu,I confess, I had no knowledge at all about -who he is, what he is or what place he hails from , though I have rendered into english a large number of Bengali poems, including about fifty beautiful pieces of poet Phani Basu.
Thus happened that historic event;
One fine morning in October 1977, after finishing the translation of a poem of Phani Basu (whom I never yet saw, or knoew), that appeared in the Puja nimber of ' SAMAYANUG' of that year, I was absorbed in reciting it with verve, as was my wont,when to my pleasant surprise, Sri Deb kumar basu, the Editor of the SAMAYANUG, announcd himsef.
With him was a gentleman with soft feature and an artistic aroma about him.When Debkumar Basu introduced his companion as his friend -Dr.phani Basu M.d, I jumped to my feet with excitement and exclaimed 'is he by any chance a poet also ?'
As my editor friend noded, affirmatively and the poet looked on, I spread before his view the translation of a romantic piece of his "Ami Taari Paakhi"(I am her Bird) just completed and the ink was not dry til then! Presenty I embraced him warmly.
The effect was tremendousy dramatic! Whoever dreamt that the poet would come and grace my study and discover his own poem translated on that very hour of histiric day of our first meeting and the editor from whose Magazine the piece was , would also witness it !,"
Umanath Bhttacharya
S-v/49 , R.K Puram, new delhi- 110 o22

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