Monday, March 31, 2014


Global Warming Impacts Widespread, U.N. Panel Says

Scientists Say Problem Will Become More Diffi

The first part, which analyzed the scientific evidence of climate change and was released in September, concluded that human activity was the dominant cause behind a rise in global temperatures.

- - - - -- - -  - -- --- - ------ --- - - ---

The report noted, with "medium confidence," that since 2007 there had been several periods of rapid food and cereal price increases following climate extremes in key producing regions, and that "several of these climate extremes were made more likely as the result of [man-made] emissions."

Only  TWO Realities   beyond  Relativity
 or  Cosmic  TRUTH
They  are  THERMODYNAMICS  and   Law  of   ENTROPY.

There  are  other    MAN -  MADE  FOLLY-s :
building    SUICIDAL  DESTINY for  HUMANITY  and   EARTH
or  Excessive  GREED   and  AGGRESSIVE  DESIGN
to  surpass  or  DEFY  DIVINE' s  '  Norm '
 and  CLIMATIC  PIRACY   too !

 Let  it  be   named :
CLIMATIC  PIRACY  and  Nuclear  GREED  !! 

এই  সময় 
এই যে ,  এসো
হাত  বাড়িয়ে   যেই  না  বলা ----
অমনি   তোমার  ছলা -কলা
মুখের  মুখোশ ,  চোখের  জাদু ;  প্রেমিক  চিবুক   , পুরুষ- টু  বুক
ঝুর -ঝুরিয়ে  ঝরতে  থাকে   , --  শুকনো মরু-বালির   মতো !------
From  1970-s  poem ( in part ).
(Transliteration : April / 01 / 2014 .)
'Welcome   my  love ' !
No sooner  did  I  finish  my  words
your  in-built  tricks ,the  facial  mask
and  lovere's  poise   and  built -up  bosom
drip  or  leak  like   desert -sand ! ------
( Transliteration : April / 01 / 2014 .)


Global Warming Impacts Widespread, U.N. Panel Says

Scientists Say Problem Will Become More Difficult to Manage

March 31, 2014 11:47 p.m. ET

The second part of a four-part report from the United Nations finds global warming has already had a widespread effect and the problem will become increasingly difficult to manage. Report co-author Michael Oppenheimer joins the News Hub with the key takeaways. Photo: NASA.
Climate change is having a big impact on both the earth's natural systems and how people live, according to the most comprehensive assessment of the threat of a warming planet done so far.
The second part in a four-part report by the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warns that the problem will become increasingly difficult to manage, with possible threats to everything from the food supply to coral reefs and low-lying coastal areas.
"The striking feature of observed impacts is that they are occurring from the tropics to the poles, from small islands to large continents, and from the wealthiest countries to the poorest," said Chris Field, a researcher at the Carnegie Institution of Science in Stanford, Calif., and one of the lead authors of the report.
The report is the most comprehensive assessment of its kind since a similar IPCC report was published in 2007. The first part, which analyzed the scientific evidence of climate change and was released in September, concluded that human activity was the dominant cause behind a rise in global temperatures.
Put together by more than 300 scientific authors, the report is based on hundreds of additional studies whose findings weren't available for the 2007 report. While many of the conclusions echo those in the previous one, they are based on many more measurements – taken from the seas, land and from space.
The authors acknowledge that it is still hard to pinpoint the impact of climate regions in many parts of the world. Future projections are also hindered by a reliance on highly-complex models, which are only as good as their design and the quality of data that goes into them. For this reason, some of the IPCC's projections in the past have been criticized as being alarmist.
Some of the most striking findings involved the impact on crop and food production. For example, observed data and several studies showed that a warming climate generally reduces yields of staple cereals such as wheat, rice and maize, though the impact varies in different regions and latitudes. That could leave many more people struggling to feed themselves.
The report noted, with "medium confidence," that since 2007 there had been several periods of rapid food and cereal price increases following climate extremes in key producing regions, and that "several of these climate extremes were made more likely as the result of [man-made] emissions."
A U.N. study says climate change reduces the production of basic crops. Associated Press
"The key new finding that they're emphasizing is that climate change is being felt by people and not just by polar bears," said Myles Allen, climate scientist at the University of Oxford in England, who wasn't involved in the latest IPCC report.
Since the last impact-assessment done by the IPCC, "the scientific literature has advanced and we have a lot more information, especially about the opportunities for adapting to climate change."
Not everyone agreed with the report. A body known as the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change on Monday released a 1,062-page report citing studies done in the peer-reviewed literature and came to different conclusions. Its analysis found that higher carbon dioxide concentrations and rising temperatures are causing "no net harm to the global environment or to human health and often finds the opposite: net benefits to plants, including important food crops, and to animals and human health."
The nongovernmental panel is a group of scientists, backed by the libertarian think tank, The Heartland Institute in Chicago, who first came together in 2003 to provide an independent review of the climate science cited by the IPCC. Heartland doesn't accept government funding. According to its website, approximately 8,300 supporters contribute to an annual budget of $6 million.
While many scientists who back the IPCC findings agree that rising CO2 levels and warmer climes will prove beneficial to some crops and plants in certain regions, they argue that the net harm will be greater than any benefits if temperatures and CO2 levels continue to rise.
As in past assessments, the IPCC has qualified the degree of certainty for each key finding on the basis of different levels of confidence, ranging from "very low" to "very high." The levels are determined by a team of researchers who together sift through scores of studies on a particular subject to evaluate the evidence. "Generally, evidence is more robust when there are multiple, consistent lines of high-quality evidence," the IPCC said.
Based on an assessment of several studies they cite, the authors conclude they have "high confidence" that mass bleaching and death of coral, triggered by unusually warm temperatures, "is the most widespread and conspicuous impact of climate change."
Elsewhere, the study says it "is very likely that mean annual temperature has increased over the past century over most of North America," while warming has been less pronounced over areas of the central and southeastern U.S. In this case, "very likely" means 90%-100% probability, according to the IPCC's methodology.
The IPCC report says a global-temperature rise of 2.5 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels could lead to global economic losses between 0.2% and 2.0% of income.
Funding needed to offset the impact of climate change is lacking, the report warned, saying developing countries would need between $70 billion to $100 billion a year to implement needed measures. And efforts to reduce the effects of climate change would only have a marginal effect on reducing poverty unless "structural inequalities are addressed and needs for equity among poor and non-poor people are met."
The third installment of the IPCC assessment, on how to cut greenhouse gases, will be published in April.
—Alexander Martin in Tokyo contributed to this article.
Write to Gautam Naik at

Sunday, March 30, 2014

এই   ছায়াতে   একটু  বসো
 বাইরে  বড়   প্রচণ্ড   রোদ  -----
দুপুরটা ই   জীবন তো  নয়  !
From  'MON - MAYUR' ; 1977
Transliteration :( SPARK )
Shift  to  the   shade   for  a  while
so  much  heat  under  the  furious  Sun
 'Vital noon '  is  not  all, -  in  any   life  !

Saturday, March 29, 2014

শায়রী  ।
কাজের  ফাঁকে  তাকে ই   খুঁজি  ; হাতের  কাছে  তাকে
আড়াল   পেলে   তাকে ই   খুঁজি    আলিঙ্গনে   তাকে
সরাইখানায়  বেঁহুস    হয়ে   মাতাল  ছিলেম   বুঝি !
ভুল  বুঝনা , - জীবন   ভরে   তাকে ই  খুঁজি ; তাকে  ।
from  published  works  of  Hiranmioy Gautom  : 2002
Transliteration  : 3 /29/ 2014.
Seek  you  ever  dear ;  between   works   and  within  reach
or  if   there  be  lonely  chance  and  eager  to  embrace
maybe  was   rolling   drunk ,  on   some     way - side  pub
don't  miss-judge  me  dear  ;  it   was   after all   in   that  search !

শায়রী  ।
সব  হুজুগে  হাজির  ছিলাম ;উত্সবে  সব
হাত তালিতে  তাল  রেখেছি রেখেছি   নাচ-ঘরে সব
এখন  আমার বুকের  ভিতর  অন্য   সাথী
ফিসফিসিয়ে  শুনিয়ে  গ্যালো :  মিলিয়ে  নে  সব  ।
composed  :  1990-s
Transliteration :
Was  present in   collective  joy ; Joined  all  festive  - life
Clapped  and  danced  with  all  dancing  group ,- within  reach
now  my  in-most  friend   living  within  my  soul
whispered  to  me :  'finish  the  final   accounting , now   my  dear ' .

Thursday, March 27, 2014

ঝলক -----
আমার   কিছু   জানার   ছিল  তোমার   কাছে
আর এক   জীবন    সুযোগ  দিলে ;  সে   ঠিক  আছে
কিন্তু   কিছু  সর্ত  ছিল ;  অর্থ    ছিল    অন্ধ- খোঁজার
শুধুমাত্র   বলার  ছিল ,- তোমার   কিছু   দায়   রয়েছে |
( রচনা  : ২০০২ ) :   'কথামৃত   ও   অমৃত - কথা ';  হিরন্ময় গৌতম  ।
Transliteration :(3 / 28 / 2014) .
Had  this much  to  know  from  you , my  Lord
gave   another  chance  to  better  evolve , I know
yet  was  there  any  sense  in  this  ' blind-search'-  Game ?
My  reminder  dear  :  YOU    had   your  own   involvement  too !

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

এখনো   স্মৃতিতে  ভাসে   শৈশবের   মাতৃভূমি -ছবি
এখনো   বুকের   মাঝে    আকাশ  - সবুজ -  নদী  -  ঢেউ
এখনো   চাঁদের   মুখে   অপরূপ  হাসি  ভরা   মায়া
গভীর   মূলের    টান   হৃদয়ে   রেখেছে  কেউ  - কেউ  !
রচনা ; ৩ / ২৭ / ২০১৪ ;  কোন্নগর  । Transliteration  follows  :

Yet , memory  floats   with  child-hood   Mother-Land  - Face
even now , that  sky , the  green , that  river  -flow - waves
and   that  magic  smile     of  the   moon  of  my  child-hood  Land
The  root !  the  root !  that   deep-rooted  'truth'  in  my  soul !
-----------------------------composed  3 / 27 / 2014 .
Composed (  both )  Directly  on  the  Screen .

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Albert Einstein's 'spooky' theory may lead to more secure Internet

Comments 0
Physicist Albert Einstein's skepticism about quantum mechanics may lead to ultra-secure Internet, according to a new study. ReutersPhysicist Albert Einstein's skepticism about quantum mechanics may lead to ultra-secure Internet, according to a new study. Reuters
SUMMARYUsing the quantum key meant the message was completely secure from interception during transmission.
Physicist Albert Einstein's skepticism about quantum mechanics may lead to ultra-secure Internet, according to a new study.
Researchers from Swinburne University of Technology in Australia and Peking University in China said Einstein's reservations about quantum mechanics were highlighted in a phenomenon known as 'spooky' action at a distance.
In 1935, Einstein and researchers highlighted a 'spooky' theory in quantum mechanics, which is the strange way entangled particles stay connected even when separated by large distances.
"Until now the real application of this has been for messages being shared between two people securely without interception, regardless of the spatial separation between them," said Associate Professor Margaret Reid from Swinburne's Centre for Quantum and Optical Science.
"In this paper, we give theoretical proof that such messages can be shared between more than two people and may provide unprecedented security for a future quantum Internet," Reid said.
In the 1990s, scientists realised you can securely transmit a message through encrypting and using a shared key generated by Einstein's strange entanglement to decode the message from the sender and receiver.
Using the quantum key meant the message was completely secure from interception during transmission.
Sending Einstein's entanglement to a larger number of people means the key can be distributed among all the receiving parties, so they must collaborate to decipher the message, which Reid said makes the message even more secure.
"We found that a secure message can be shared by up to three to four people, opening the possibility to the theory being applicable to secure messages being sent from many to many," Reid said.
"The message will also remain secure if the devices receiving the message have been tampered with, like if an iPhone were hacked, because of the nature of Einstein's spooky entanglement.
"Discovering that it can be applied to a situation with more parties has the potential to create a more secure Internet - with less messages being intercepted from external parties," Reid said.
Also read:

Monday, March 24, 2014

কলাপাতার  বিস্তারিত  সবুজ  নিমন্ত্রণ
তোমার  চোখে  দেখেছিলাম  -- - -!
সে   তো আমার   সে ই   কবেকার  অন্য   জীবন   গাথা
আকাশ - বাতাস    গলে  মুছে   এ   অন্য   জীবন  !
রচনা : ১৫/ ০৯/ ২০০৯ ///   Transliteration  ---->
Spread-out   with  vast  span  of  green invite
saw    once   maybe , -  in  your  look  - ---- - -!
That    was   another  life  left  long  back , - behind
melting  and  mixing  up now ; this  is  another Life  !