The report noted, with "medium confidence," that since 2007 there had been several periods of rapid food and cereal price increases following climate extremes in key producing regions, and that "several of these climate extremes were made more likely as the result of [man-made] emissions."

Only  TWO Realities   beyond  Relativity
 or  Cosmic  TRUTH
They  are  THERMODYNAMICS  and   Law  of   ENTROPY.

There  are  other    MAN -  MADE  FOLLY-s :
building    SUICIDAL  DESTINY for  HUMANITY  and   EARTH
or  Excessive  GREED   and  AGGRESSIVE  DESIGN
to  surpass  or  DEFY  DIVINE' s  '  Norm '
 and  CLIMATIC  PIRACY   too !

 Let  it  be   named :
CLIMATIC  PIRACY  and  Nuclear  GREED  !! 