Sunday, March 28, 2010

MY ADOLESCENCE - II (concluded)

Adolescence -ii
The rehearsal for the opening -show-dance went for almost two weeks and the girl stuck to her choice of dancing with me unto the final day of the show. maybe , she liked me as a partner and i also liked and enjoyed that piece pf my part to dance with her. As told , she was a distant relation of the same family ,I was living with and this was a very big and well off family.
At night we, ten to fifteen boys and girls were sleeping on a sprad out bed-deck on the first floor and those hqppy days rippled so fast until the puja festival was over.
I first felt the depth of my emotional attachment when I had to leave my aunty's house and come back 'Home'. Only I remember so well that I almost kicked and jumped in joy with swelled up happiness inspite of some obscure feeling of leaving some thing behind. No , I did not know what it was but was so happy and sad ,at the same time , until I reached back our villege.

And I was not the same teen age boy anymore craving for my child hood life. Maybe , I was already getting introduced to my Adolescence at last !

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