Wednesday, May 23, 2012

 I   Believe    
Love is not  a  transitive verve
love  is a feeling
Love is a quantum  vibration
and felt at the level of soul .

We do not love  but feel the  love- vibration beneath 
through our heart, inspired by  soul-vbration
Really,-  we do not love but  -----
we feel the  effect of love-vibration.

Finally : 
 I love my wife , I love my children
I love my  my  parents , I love my God
and I love hunting and  I love drinking 
cannot be the same love ------
in feeling ,  acting  or re- racting.

I  believe,  love is not  a transitive  verve 
Love is the  finest vibratory and sensory feeling
 at the  receptive level of life- Consciousness ! 

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