Friday, May 25, 2012

This  sudden , unexpected  meet  that once
some words, some  patchy  introducing  remarks
as if some  cosmic wonder  in a moment's  sphere
some  friendly  joy betwixt  folds  of  willing hearts
 those  few drops of tears  in response to my reciting poem
 the  fruition of two supra-sensual meeting of souls
that soundless music of our heratts !

To day  on this Pacific ocean site
that  swinging joy dance on the  broken crest
 of myriad waves
rhyming  those   dance ;
 Yet  some stormy wind  threatening the  hopes
 of  navigating boats
None else than us will feel  our implosive  urge
of  this  psychic love !

Today I leave behind  some debt
Time  is drawing close  to this  final  scene
The  setting  sun will sink soon behind crimson sky
for the  final  dive.

yet some  gold-tinged light
 play  within  me
 to sustain the  foot-print of this non-physical love !

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