Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The  first  FATHER of  EVERY thing  
Call him God , Shiva, Allah ,jehova
or any name --so what.
HE may have  several children 
one  obedient (devotee),the other a rebel Atheist)
third one  Rationalist 
then --so what ?

Only fools are smart to quarrel  and spoil 
the father is pained
but the  things will run as planned
and  I ask  again 
So ! --what  ? ! ?!   ? ! 

* ( In all poems all notations, words, gaps, dash, coma,Interogation,Exclamation have and shall have equivalent values  and those  who  will not like my poem  will be equally  respected and loved. 
I write poetry  for soul-exploration : not  only for traditional structural discipline  and  antique  Values.
My reader will have right to throw my poem -sheet in trash  box ,if  that   relaxes there TENsion)
I believe in CHAOS theory ,)

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