Saturday, March 19, 2011

The GANGA after the Super-Moon Night

40 G.T Road , KONNAGAR -- after SUN- Rise

Came to meet you, - the Morning -sun
a little late , though, from my side
7. am , the Ganga,- thou flowing full
high-tde , now restin cam.

viewed the Super- Moon -smile
and cotton -wool foating clouds
on Ocean- sky
The First Super- full -Moon
of this green -aged Century now
with payfield of Silvery -night
And 'GANGA' -now
resting full with liquid life.

To day ,is another morn
like molten silver, over- flowing banks
and golden hue embroidered
Fisher men in tiny boats
sailing with their dreams floating around
waving like in honey -moon joy
of tropical life

And my migrating soul
resting reclined
on my balcony Chair..



And someone
somewhere I heard
walked the night with a torch in hand
to help the baby- Sun
as guide, to ligt up the path
for the next sunrise.

Do not analyse -to know
if its true or not
nor surmise
as each one has his way
to assess or analise.

The vast canvas
of Moon-lit, evening sky
in front of my balcony
The Ganga flowing high
Pigments of floating clouds
dark or silvery hue
painting myriad shapes
of iving life !

The dancing waves
reflecting light
from playing baby- moon
enllivens again
my sun-set life.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Some tmes, - I feel
floatong out of me
when all vibrations of life and living
like some supreme symphony
muse in sublime harmony

On Octave , -they float or swim
I feel without knowing -- whence it rise
nor can rationalise
what is mine or what is not
the hyacinth that floats on Ganga , so leisurely
the birds that wings, the breeze
the neighboring baby that jumps in joy
the fishing boats, the floating clouds
as if , my myriad vibrating extensions out of me
like unitary existence
of Conscious me
or, some subtle ,musing symphony !
------------------[ Composed 5 pm IST )

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Man or human being is a complex or sophisticated Anmal with composite structure of Physical - Vital - Mental - Psycic and Spiritual sed embeded within. Thus he is like a Five storey House , seperated by floors and roofs yet integrated and infiltrated at all levels like the ATMOSPHERE itself with divisions like Troposphere ,stratospphere , Mesospfere , ionosphere etc without definite boundary wall or sharp line of seperation, yet integrated and infiltrated with fusion and invisivibe integration.
Even a single storey house must have a Ground floor and a roof. The roof becomes the First floor as built up further.Similar is the story of Biologic Man.
This , potentially Five- storey man is an Animal- Man at the Base with Desire to Exist and survive with the help of an in- built Vital force(Power-House or 'Prana' -life force). And then it desires to expand and recycle into physical immortality through Reproduction and physical expansion through Mammonic forces..
Beyond this physical status is the Emotional man with Heart as the guiding Master and with inflow of higher feeling from Psychic Center ( Mind-intelligence and soul Complex).
Here the MAN first wants to be a Social man ,Expansive-conscious Man with out -flow beyond his own boundary and want to spread and permeate like the fragrance of a flower bordering the outer edge of life..
This is the field of Scholars ,philisophers , Leaders , Artists, Poets , Philanthropists.
Here Man the Homosapien in his ascent is becoming a Global Man under the influence of Balancing effet of Endocrene -orchestral Musical Play of Subtle Mystery of Cosmic BIOLOGY with integrating Consciousness.
Now the man with his Spiritual blending , already potential & sprouting , if he is selected for GENETIC gift , the THIRD EYE of Man opens up and the Global MAN ,at the level of Peneal Gland- Source becomes a COSMIC Man and can see through future or know beyond the physical vision and for him the TOTAL VISION becomes his normal Vision. And the SAINTS and AVATARS are born here , as representatives of Divinity or First Cause.

My experience with a SHI NTO - ITE

Rana BoseState of Calm :
9:52 AM (23 hours ago)

Rana BoseLoading...9:52 AM (23 hours ago)

Reply |Rana Bose to me
show details 9:52 AM (23 hours ago)

State of Calm :

Reply |Phanibhusan Basu to Rana
show details 4:35 PM (16 hours ago)
It , perhaps ,can't be leant. It's,perhaps, a Racial ,Ethnic or Cultural or Genetic quality . SHITOISM is Pre-Budhistic Tribal /Aborigin Natural insticts in Japanese people (May be originally from Main and China and belongs to Pre-Axial Semitic quality.{ coud not open Wikipedia --shall try again )
Well , now I am having some hazy vision. As told before SHINTO is Pre -Axial Civillisation, Regionital and tribal faith and not a recoded religion . Like Shaibic (pre-Aryan) faith with poythyestic and Tantric bent like pre-vedic faith of Bharat(pre -Aryan).[" Bull, SHIVA & MOTHER- Shakti of Nature" ]. The real sourc of Tantric Path ( e.g Tantrvilashir Sadhu Sanga) came from CHINA and Develped more in Tobet (7th Century A,D)
These are all Academic dance. I had the real association with a friend , Dr. Songut Sorasuchart M.S, whom I admired , envied but never could follow . It was impossible. I told you , I believe , Shintoism is a Racial or Ethnic trait ( ? Genetic property of Mongolian or Yellow people. They can remain naturally calm in the worst Crisis while we ( Indians ) can not..
NOw the experience :
There were 2 days only left for submission of our Thesis and none of us had yet revised our respective Thesis.... At 8 pm Songuit was dressing up for a marriage Party at Thai embassy and would not come before 1 am. I was almost angry !( He loved me so much and had great faith in my ability) . And ...he left for the Party and I was worried about him so much that I could not read t hrough my Own thesis.. I was feeling sorry for him and his sure- loss of time and the chance of his timely submission. ..And I was rehearsing the way I would scold him .....I went to bed at 12 in the night wthout doing any thing and toosing under the Quilt(winter in Delhi).
Songut came back from the Party at 1 am ,brought out the water heater ...had a bath and sat on his chair with a cup of hot cofee made by himself and pulled out his thesis and started working. . I was peeping all the time and atarted blaming him for wasting so much time . He was laughing loud in his 'Racial'- style and told ;
'Dr. Basu , my thesis is for my own success and future but how can I so -NO - to my siater's invitation and by duties to my realatives ( I was looking On) and he went on - 'see, now I have to make good the loss of 5 hurs i.e until. 6-30 in the morning. You better go to sleep and I shall wake you up at 7 am.'..........
He did nod not had to for, I did neither did work nor could sleep that night........ and was just watching his calm persuit.
I stiil dream to see this 'GURU 'of Thailand , at least once before I leave this world ! I can not expain SHINTOISM but I did live with one practising it - for about two years(1960s).

On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 6:34 PM, Rana Bose wrote:


Sunday, March 13, 2011



The Stage
for Dance of DEATH
like Cloud- Burst or Solar-flare
or beyond all human power of Expression
it came or, - burst upon
from the womb of Earth - like Black-hole or Hell
from mother Nature herself !
And like those early mistakes of man -
Hiroshima, Nagasiki or Charnobyl or
the game of Human Ego or mistakes!

This time it was Nature herself
giving final warning to mankind's Energy -thirst
or playing with Nuclear -fire , - Thermal Plants
scattered all over the Globe
some with crazy and novice-hands!

We never know and nobody can ever guess
how the disolution Game for the final game
has been planned
by Nature or the Supreme LORD !

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


{After current news of TAX EVASION in India &....}

So much of your wealth was so litte Hasan
how much would be -Enough, -now
[Can you tell me your final stand]
A Wheel - chair is now your greatest treasure
And ICU your escape door
and can you explain -how!

Only 2-meter length one's final need
Tolstoy told it long before
even with bilions of dollars , now hidden somewhere
you are suffering HELL

And Richard-the -third of Shakespeare's play
in his final flight
''My kingdom for my horse' - he cried and cried
wit his pathetic plight
{you had so many horses ! - now all trash!]

How much is enough in some one's life
Your 'darling Wheel chair' - or
An ICU -Escape in some NURSUNG HOME
to escape all the coming horror !

Monday, March 7, 2011

SO , WHAT ! IF I SAY --------

So, what !even , if I said
I like you or even, if I love
what's that to you
It 's my soul that paints my heart
on Canvas of my Life
well, you may like it or may not like
that's your life - not mine.

On the flowing tide of river ,can see
dancing waves around
some far beyond on earthly lap
it mayr twists and make a turn
On either side of its extended ways
the sky and inspiring wind
plays with river- on flowing tide
that is the game of its kind.

The differing worlds have different tales
yet river flows its way
So ! what is that to you, if I say
I like , or even, if I love -- my way?

Sunday, March 6, 2011



Beasts or animal do kill of course
but as they were made with limited choice
to exist , grow or to breed
with no external tools.

Man , -the worst of biologic brutes
now poisoning Sky with chemical smoke
With nuclear threat they scoff off Divine
With lust and greed,-now burn *'Tri-Loke'

Ecologic Suicide now the addicting Game
or Global grand -Design of NAN
With Oil- spill ,destroy the aquatic life
With Quantum wealth the half world dance
- in demonic , mammon-ik joy
while - the other half starve !

The worst of ' Beasts' - this 'civillesd' MAN !
*[composed on July 7th, 2010 ]

Thursday, March 3, 2011

LOVE: Is a Suprasensual vibration of ........

The Idea just floated down within my heart.
Love is ,perhaps, like a spring fragranc or some subtle wave transcending all fields of matter and even the perceptual Mind. Maybe we don't know or can't explain it
Scientifically it may be (or may not be) an etherial frequency with a wave-length finer than even Pnanck's-Unit !

But who knows or how can we measure this immutable!
For measurable life , Love has many levels physical/materia, mental,Psychic (Mind+soul) ,Soul level( Divine) and ...even Spinal(reflex-type )of earlier biology(I hate to use the word - 'lower).

Someone , 10 years back ,asked me to answer :
1.I love my parents 2.. I love my wife 3. i love children 4. I love my neighbour 5. I love my friend 6, I love a woman 7. I love my pets 8 . i love hunting 9. I love drinking 10 . i love gambling . And then she put the last one - 'I love you' and asked me- 'which one is Love and which ones are Passion or Sin ??...........
And I could not answer then and not even can not, - now !
.....Can you ?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


This mornig 7am - IST / learnt my daughter's pet and ours too - Maxi- died . Neela my daughter is -now in Kolkata(Rajarhat) and was weeping and with my 80 yrs' load of age and experiences,I was not.Maxi was ten and had epileptic attacks . I am now too old for tears. Once ,in young life ,I used to weep or cry on every events that upset my day, I donot or... can not!
To me , now, Death is not being 'No more' but being larger [beyond death ], like river merging in Ocean. Yet i am not un willing to live some more, know , learn and experience....And I prefer Death to existing only even with physical suffering and without offring anything in return.
***** ******** ********
Now half an hour beyond....Was getting abosrbed in Ali Akbar's SAROD....a little while bebore , was listening to Rabindra Sangeet (Tagore-Songs) and the Elvis .
When listening to 'Music' I don't remember or count if Tagore was a Brahmwa 9he was not a Hindu) or Elvis was a Christian or AliAkmar was a Muslim !. ...To me Humanism and Spirituality is the only RELIGION to allow within my SOUL.

God/Allah or Shiva did not create REligion .IT ( God is neither masculine or Feminine to me). God became the Csmos and Living manifestations fron amaeba unto man' ...And Man made religion wth socio-Ethnic and Vital bias.........
To me Max did not die but he just got a 'transferred promotion' ...while I am waiting for mine.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My poem of 1990 and Science Report on 16 july 2010


First Act

The park, as is here
The bench on the park
the other ws a rose plant
the rose blossomed there.

Second Act

The lovers were close
he clipped the rose sharp-nailed
pinned it on her hair
she leaned and embraced close .

Third Act

Then slow and after a time
the Rose withered on her hair
gifting itself to them
as the remaining silent -player.

Final ACT :

The posterity since that when
or the history of the World
did not record to tell
So ! who gave - and howmuch
On the Stage of Life and LOVE.!
(Trans-pi-rated from Original Bengali poem of 1990 on 1st March, 2011)
Tuesday, March 01, 2011
My poetic feeling now recognised :

I wrote the poem (above), 02/09/ 1990 ,( Maha Kavya or Epic Poem ) that was published in a Book named 'Abaar Phirey Elaam'(2008) where I wanted to depict my feeling that plants and flowers have perceptions and feelings like humans.
Then, after 20 years , Australian Scientist claim :'Plants 'remember' and 'react' to info encrypted in light as well as transmit info about light intensity from leaf to leaf, a process similar to human nervous system.[T.O.I, Kolkata ; july 16, 2010]

I feel so happy now that my poetic feeling has now a recognition in Scientific world !
posted by Phani Basu at 9:12 AM 0 comments