Saturday, March 19, 2011

The GANGA after the Super-Moon Night

40 G.T Road , KONNAGAR -- after SUN- Rise

Came to meet you, - the Morning -sun
a little late , though, from my side
7. am , the Ganga,- thou flowing full
high-tde , now restin cam.

viewed the Super- Moon -smile
and cotton -wool foating clouds
on Ocean- sky
The First Super- full -Moon
of this green -aged Century now
with payfield of Silvery -night
And 'GANGA' -now
resting full with liquid life.

To day ,is another morn
like molten silver, over- flowing banks
and golden hue embroidered
Fisher men in tiny boats
sailing with their dreams floating around
waving like in honey -moon joy
of tropical life

And my migrating soul
resting reclined
on my balcony Chair..

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