Wednesday, March 2, 2011


This mornig 7am - IST / learnt my daughter's pet and ours too - Maxi- died . Neela my daughter is -now in Kolkata(Rajarhat) and was weeping and with my 80 yrs' load of age and experiences,I was not.Maxi was ten and had epileptic attacks . I am now too old for tears. Once ,in young life ,I used to weep or cry on every events that upset my day, I donot or... can not!
To me , now, Death is not being 'No more' but being larger [beyond death ], like river merging in Ocean. Yet i am not un willing to live some more, know , learn and experience....And I prefer Death to existing only even with physical suffering and without offring anything in return.
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Now half an hour beyond....Was getting abosrbed in Ali Akbar's SAROD....a little while bebore , was listening to Rabindra Sangeet (Tagore-Songs) and the Elvis .
When listening to 'Music' I don't remember or count if Tagore was a Brahmwa 9he was not a Hindu) or Elvis was a Christian or AliAkmar was a Muslim !. ...To me Humanism and Spirituality is the only RELIGION to allow within my SOUL.

God/Allah or Shiva did not create REligion .IT ( God is neither masculine or Feminine to me). God became the Csmos and Living manifestations fron amaeba unto man' ...And Man made religion wth socio-Ethnic and Vital bias.........
To me Max did not die but he just got a 'transferred promotion' ...while I am waiting for mine.

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