Thursday, March 3, 2011

LOVE: Is a Suprasensual vibration of ........

The Idea just floated down within my heart.
Love is ,perhaps, like a spring fragranc or some subtle wave transcending all fields of matter and even the perceptual Mind. Maybe we don't know or can't explain it
Scientifically it may be (or may not be) an etherial frequency with a wave-length finer than even Pnanck's-Unit !

But who knows or how can we measure this immutable!
For measurable life , Love has many levels physical/materia, mental,Psychic (Mind+soul) ,Soul level( Divine) and ...even Spinal(reflex-type )of earlier biology(I hate to use the word - 'lower).

Someone , 10 years back ,asked me to answer :
1.I love my parents 2.. I love my wife 3. i love children 4. I love my neighbour 5. I love my friend 6, I love a woman 7. I love my pets 8 . i love hunting 9. I love drinking 10 . i love gambling . And then she put the last one - 'I love you' and asked me- 'which one is Love and which ones are Passion or Sin ??...........
And I could not answer then and not even can not, - now !
.....Can you ?

1 comment:

  1. I had once written in one of my songs mesho
    "Kaar mukhe kaar kotha, Kaar buke kaar betha
    Kaar Chaayai ke aache, Jene aache ki proyojon
    Morter mati moila bolei, eto praner, eto gaaner, Bhalobashaar,
    Eto aayojon"
    Partho Mitra
