Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My experience with a SHI NTO - ITE

Rana BoseState of Calm : http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/opinion/westview/japan-absor...
9:52 AM (23 hours ago)

Rana BoseLoading...9:52 AM (23 hours ago)

Reply |Rana Bose to me
show details 9:52 AM (23 hours ago)

State of Calm :


Reply |Phanibhusan Basu to Rana
show details 4:35 PM (16 hours ago)
It , perhaps ,can't be leant. It's,perhaps, a Racial ,Ethnic or Cultural or Genetic quality . SHITOISM is Pre-Budhistic Tribal /Aborigin Natural insticts in Japanese people (May be originally from Main and China and belongs to Pre-Axial Semitic quality.{ coud not open Wikipedia --shall try again )
Well , now I am having some hazy vision. As told before SHINTO is Pre -Axial Civillisation, Regionital and tribal faith and not a recoded religion . Like Shaibic (pre-Aryan) faith with poythyestic and Tantric bent like pre-vedic faith of Bharat(pre -Aryan).[" Bull, SHIVA & MOTHER- Shakti of Nature" ]. The real sourc of Tantric Path ( e.g Tantrvilashir Sadhu Sanga) came from CHINA and Develped more in Tobet (7th Century A,D)
These are all Academic dance. I had the real association with a friend , Dr. Songut Sorasuchart M.S, whom I admired , envied but never could follow . It was impossible. I told you , I believe , Shintoism is a Racial or Ethnic trait ( ? Genetic property of Mongolian or Yellow people. They can remain naturally calm in the worst Crisis while we ( Indians ) can not..
NOw the experience :
There were 2 days only left for submission of our Thesis and none of us had yet revised our respective Thesis.... At 8 pm Songuit was dressing up for a marriage Party at Thai embassy and would not come before 1 am. I was almost angry !( He loved me so much and had great faith in my ability) . And ...he left for the Party and I was worried about him so much that I could not read t hrough my Own thesis.. I was feeling sorry for him and his sure- loss of time and the chance of his timely submission. ..And I was rehearsing the way I would scold him .....I went to bed at 12 in the night wthout doing any thing and toosing under the Quilt(winter in Delhi).
Songut came back from the Party at 1 am ,brought out the water heater ...had a bath and sat on his chair with a cup of hot cofee made by himself and pulled out his thesis and started working. . I was peeping all the time and atarted blaming him for wasting so much time . He was laughing loud in his 'Racial'- style and told ;
'Dr. Basu , my thesis is for my own success and future but how can I so -NO - to my siater's invitation and by duties to my realatives ( I was looking On) and he went on - 'see, now I have to make good the loss of 5 hurs i.e until. 6-30 in the morning. You better go to sleep and I shall wake you up at 7 am.'..........
He did nod not had to for, I did neither did work nor could sleep that night........ and was just watching his calm persuit.
I stiil dream to see this 'GURU 'of Thailand , at least once before I leave this world ! I can not expain SHINTOISM but I did live with one practising it - for about two years(1960s).

On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 6:34 PM, Rana Bose wrote:



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