Tuesday, September 13, 2011


( Remembering those who SLICED my Mother - Land)

No I shall not rest; like dumb onlooker
you can't buy my admiration nor praise
or demand more tolerance -no, I affirm
I am not a dummy nor a tool for purchase
Neither a pawn on your chess-board, Sir
Nor shall dance like puppet to strings

Long back 'YOU' butchered my MOTHER -Land
for your POLITICAL GAIN fooling us all
and a camouflaged - gift of freedom and hope
now know ,-those hungry sharks &hyena howl!
and foxes dancing around. for smelling -meals!

Six decades and more so, sipped us past
FREEDOM itself now your gaining- tool
my Mother -Land RAPED and ravished -thus
now lying , bar en , robbed of flesh in full
And blood flowing out -of her shrivelled veins
Kn awed and chewed by your Canine urge'

Don't care, - what your heritage Past
or, what-Gandhi was your GURU or Kin
If hiding DNA is the proof of 'Blood ''
re- incarnated villains are on the field
in unison and with canine- greed
now planning like dark-devil to breed.

You drove me out of my childhood love
and Mother's Lap by dividing her( with butcher's knife)
I was thrown out , a weeping child
now am an old and finished 'Life'

So much so !-- have nothing to lose
My waning breath and shrivelled tongue
has learnt to spit scorching fire
and my venomous breath to frighten all

My spitting words my final wrath
for you all who made me so
by being the lineage of Ruling line
SLICING my Mother so Serene and green
into two halves ; and divided her
for raw or roast-y fleshy gain

I shall speak out and spit out fire
so long alive and REMEMBER all..
(composed on Sept. 13. 2011)

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