Thursday, September 15, 2011


Now how should I start, what I can never finish as this is a circle that is so close to it's returning point ever... never meet but ever expands like EXPANDING UBIVERSE.. Yet I have to try as, I am approaching the Finish-Line of my Physical form and do not like to carry on a LOAD that is becoming heavier, the more I hold it and not release. Even scientist like Schrodinger has written a book --'WHAT IS Life ' and EINSTEIN searchrd ever for FIELD theories and even admitted that 'the fish will never know , in ful he water it lives witin' ; even after chaining Matter-Enersy in Capcular form. And no body knows yet the " mind of God [ though the fault lay in the Name itself].Any way :
" THERE ARE MORE THINGS IN HEAVEN AND Earth THAN ARE DREAMT OF IN YOUR PHILOSOPHY " --Shakes peare who did not buid a " CERN" ot side, found an Equation that wiil last as long as any Cosmology. Einstein himself urged to make
' make it simple but don't make it simper'. So let me try;

It was 2001 and I was was 70 trs+.( I told a part of my life story and experience in the begining in my Autobiography and inspite of Marck Twain. Any way, I and my family ,[ with my children married and established ; all with U.S.A Citizen ship] I came to Delhi alone, leaving my house to a BUILDER . I went to CALCUTTA ( Not then ,KOLKATA) to ny wifw's frieds place for 7 days trip to relax and try publishing my next book " ABAAR FIREY ELAAM".-a book of poems .
Have already told this story before; how I met a lady of 40 plus , found that she was a poet and I was over filled with joy and hope that after being almost in EXILE from my literay root and poetry-world God returned me my dream -land- joy of my literary Passions.
And we were friends quicker than " love at first sight' But I warn my readers --there was no love any deep desire in me. As alredy told I was 70 + and I had a type of passion for ART , more intense than physical and sensual joys.
One day her eyes moistened after I recited my poem , then I became curious . Another day after learning that I visited her Area on my morning walk , withut meeing her,she she was overwlelmed in her feminiee ,emotional joy to expand in search. Afterwards I analysed this poetic traps and dicovered that both of us had false roots. She a a married mother with two talented children and a golden -hearted husband . And though never a frind nor a poet , my wife had every thing to make me happy and be proud . Yet in 7 days we became friends, promised that we will remain so and also promised that we wont be physical and touch each other and we kept it for renaining 3-4 days. even more credit goes to her than me in this decision. She writes bautiful poem and I even translated one.I left Calcutta for Delhi . she came to the station with a Sweet- Packet and parted in a 5-10 minutes. We found not much things to talk about!........ Slipping back on memory line, I rember, one day she asked me what will be the fate of our friend -ship that 'now you are an American and never know if and when we meet again, I promised to reply on phone or E-mail and then I asked-' what type is your hausband? she looked straight on my face and with humour and replied - he is so golden hearted and good in every way'- and to tease me told , 'even better than you in many ways'. I absorbed the punch and replied -' Know one thing from me , **I am not born to burn a happy home. So we wil ever remain friends and some day I shal, vist your home and meet your husband and childrren. she agreed and we rturned to our respective shelter.
***** and as we both promised ,we never broke our vow. That way even BISWHWAMITRA could respect and follow me.. Of course without her charater and help , I might not have succeeded ,And my age also helped me . Bad Luck is , - even when I excelled in Character , my wife with her long-time experience with me did not appreciate my strength of character but reacted violently.
But as i was too much egoistic with enough faith in myself, I neiter compromised nor did care , really !
Meteors fall and accidents happen even on Earth, from GODS heaven. !..... As alredy hinted before ,it was after I came back to U.S.A and during an e-mail connecion ( neither of us knew yet how to handle the machine and we both got stuck 'dead'on the key and sought the help of my son to get the message My son came and helped and like a spark her message -' I love you '-hit me in front of my son. Me and my son wwere ever friends , he cut a swwet joke - 'what is it dad !' and was smiling and I explained and he understood.. But ... within 48 hrs heavy clouds assembled around with declarattion of a storm because his mother was ever of serios Lady of different Vivration and could not absorb and assimilate the humour no the real grais of the incedent when my son offered her at a pre-dinner soup he always cuts jokes with me) ----------...............-----------
And I lost my blossoming heaven on either side and for 10 years since and even now my sky is ever , most often,cast though cooling down in ENTROPIC DESIGN.
Yes my love for poetry also suffered for long and now I am trying to revive it and re-live my ever happy Life , though with touches of great greek-tragedie, here and there.
And no !, un like modern Western Cuture, we are not seperated but is covering in full , the path of 'RETURNED'. Of course, my greatest set back has been the loss of a very good FRIENDin my life and who had no fault or ill design and we wanted to me good friends on UTOPEAN GROUND, and that was possible scanning our age, But GREEK TRAGEDIES are written for , --as we desire or decide.

And the loss, a have lost a Great Friend and , perhaps forever !....SO W H A T !! . " Man must not Live by BREAD alone" - Bible .
The End

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