Thursday, September 15, 2011



" Autobiographers are greatest LI'ars . " - Marck Twain

I am now Scanning myself on the Time-scale od 82 years. So I am neither bonded Labour of this life nor a tempted candidate for the other world . And nd afraid of teling about mysef , inspite of Twain.My experience in ife is huge and anyone of any layer of living can be out-weighed by my experience.
I was reared up ,after birth in the remotest village of RURAL Bengal where even a Cycle was a piece of Science fiction ('Time Machine').
My child hood mates were daiy wager's or ordinary house holder's children laboure's children .My play -mates were even Domestic beigs ( I hate the word 'animal) and the way the word is abused) ..
I feel lucky that my first 12 yrs allowed me evolve naturally in the village and i was almost a sick boy 4days out of a week, rejected for all sports and had the chance to observe and assimiliate every happennings and developments in its primal form. That shoud be enough for Marck twain to record and make conclusion.
The most of my early years from final school to medica life, I have given almost in pictorial form before.One thing I loved! I live and grow on the lap of Nature and the Divine bestowed on in full and I sipped it and lived it in full.
I told , also bfore that a ASTRNOMY -Astrologist told to my father ( by simply observivg my forehead that I woud come close to many great men of INDIA and had a great phiisophica natura bend of mine but fame woud never be to he eve of my performance . It realy happened
Being even totally out side higher Social Circe :
duty1. I came in direct contact with J. NEHRU, Enjoyed rea with Him ( 26th jANUARY DUTIES AT TA KATORA gARDEN DUTIES for cosecutive 3 years. I had even photographed with him( on duty ){ Afterwords I tore that photo to fberate mysef drom great-connections)
I am a type of whimsical, adament a egoistic type of youth.
Before thatI n 1949 Mahatama was passing by the Mirza pr srteet and i refused to join my fried to see him claiming that i did not seek oportunity but meet when I deserve.
I 1956-57 while in Delhi as Medical officer , during Jaundice epidemic i had the sole charge of openig a hospitak in TIBIA COLLEGE,near Ajmal khan Park.. I was on Night Duty the previous night. the dorector advised me to come at 10 am to meetHealth Minister (Karmarkar) to be introduced to and praised for my performance. I declined to come beyond my duty to meet anyone to be appreciated. The director that I was a crazy young man and agreed.
In 1971, Sj Jogjivan Ram , the defence minister came to grace my ART & MUSICS SHOW, Composed and Directed by me and it was a grat success.
AHindra chaudhury was present on my recitation of my own poem on Rabindranath and praised me personally.
I had the rare luck , sitting close to INDIRA GANDHI , SANJAI GANDHI & RAJIV Gandhi while enjotying Dance performance of ANANDA SHAKAR in KAMANI HALL DELHI
I enjoyed even a press interview party at INDIRA GANDIS HOUSE in the evening and my presence there was, just a co-incidence by the invitation from my neighbour Smt ARUNA Chakrabort of C.E park.
Even While in U.S.A I and my wife had good chance of meeting the prsent Vicepresident of U.S.A , Joe Biden. He was from the same state[ DELAWARE ]and even in mid-90s ,once came to canvas for his election as a Senator.
Al these I am scavanging out of my Memory to let it float and also to support with facts that Fate drew me within the Boundary of so many International personaities without any worthy Bio-data of ysef
Next i shal Relate some of my personal experiences and ajso my satis facut fy Marck Twain ( Contd)

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