Thursday, September 15, 2011


Thursday, September 15, 2011What is LIFE & LOVE ?
Realy ! what we are ? We the last Bipid living animal ife or more repected logo Bipid Homosapien , the extentension of last animal life with Expandig CONSCIOUSNESS extending beyond all barrier of nature unto or beyond all universes and exploring the Grand design. Now the physicist like early Phylosophers are raising questions not written in physics nor in Cosmology.

Schrodinger's book "what is ife' raised similar querry'.
" does a fish know any thing about the water within which it is iving throught life' - Einstein in 'Out of later years' Even a small fry like myself once wrote a poem ( published0 in WHERE DREAMS BEGIN ,while U.S.A titled Man tthe 'COSGMIC Biologic RObot"
A frog in the little pool is happier than us in the sense that it has neither the capacity nor the need to know any more than ,-eat and breed and be marry.
Man is like a one flower on the deser- Ocean casting fragrance all beyond without knowing --why or what for.
These are questions also integrated in our life , living and love for iving and also for existence and feeling for Unity and affection; and so.... !
Posted by Phani Basu at 9:55 AM Email This
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