Monday, July 29, 2013

VEDANTA: Sama Veda ; Chhandogya Upanishad P 6 of 23

Word :  Essence    is  OM( A -U - M )  for   SELF   OR   BRAHMAN.
Shandilys : Tells about  Brahman  and Ego.
Satyakam :  Represents   TRUTH.
Shetaketu:  Learnsabout  Bee &  honey  and  all  permeasive  Brahman  likeSalt in  Water.
Narada &Sanatkunar story:
City  of  Brahman ---->  Tells   aboutInner  Universe.
Indra  and Virochann  story  :  About    viewing  Self  through  Mirror(water) & Knowing  self  in
     Progression .
Meditating   on   OM(A-U-M).
Those   wholnow  the   SELF   and  those who   do not,  may do  the   same thing  and with  different  state  ofConsciousness.
Wisdom  of  Shandilya   tells  about   --->Manifestation   and  Disolution (Entropy ).
Universes    come  from  Brahman  andreturn  toBrahman  (Cyclic   Universe  of  Modern   Cosmology).
A  person    is   what   his   deep   desire  is.
*"Anarornian   Mahato   maheean"--(Sanskrit) Transliteration : 'Smaller than   Atom and Larger than  Cosmos '.
STORY  of  SHETAKETU  :-->(Next  page).

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