Wednesday, July 31, 2013

VEDANDA P 12 of 23

VEDANTA: KATHOPANISHAPart  II                                    Page 13   of    20
The   Self  within  us  can  activate  IT's  influence    faraway,though  remain   still  in us ,  can  move  everything  everywhere.
The  SELF  can not  be  known   through  Scriptures, nor intellect,  nor  by  hearing   learned   discourses  but  cant be  attained  by  those   whom the  SELF   choose.
IT  can  not be known  by  those  who   desist  not   from  UN-righteous  path  or  does  not still   his  mind
or  practices  Contemplation / Meditation.
THAT  sweeps away   the  rituals  of  'priests',  powers of  warriors  and  puts  DEATH  itself  to Death.
(One  can not  see his  own   eyes  without  reflection)

Transcend   from  fearful  fragmentation   to fear-free  fullness .Accepting   only   the   changeless WHOLE  --is the   way.

SENSES   are  Horses;  Selfish-DESIRE   the ROAD

SENSE  derives   from   OBJECTS---Objects  from MIND
Mind  from   INTELLECT  ; Intellect  from   EGO
Ego   from UN-differentiated   CONSCIOUSNESS
Consciousness   from    BRAHMAN (First  Cause   or  DIVINE ).

GOD-Knowing  is  Super-Conscious  KNOWING;  not a  perceptual (EMF) power.

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