Sunday, July 28, 2013

VEDANTA : P 2 of 23

Before  trying to tell  anything  about   Vedanta  or  Upanishads  as a Layman    without  any   claim   to Authority  or  scholarship  I will  like to  submit  that from my  student -days     the  life and  teachings  of  SriRamakrishna   and  'Kathamrita 'of   SreeMo (  Read  5 to  6 ttimes  & still  read  at times ) had  great influence   on  me .
After  my  Marraige ,my   wife Sunanda  who  did  M. A in  sanskrit  brought with  her  11  Upanishads in three Volumes written   by Swami Gombhirananda  of Rama krishna Mission  which injected t in  me the interest  in Spritual Science  ,in-spite of  my  Medical  student ship , carrier  and  my  passion   for poetry  and  Art.
Alongwith ,Life of  SwamiVivekananda  Written  by  more than  one  Biographer including Roma Rollain and Finally Complete  Works  of   Swami  vivekananda (read  more than once and am still  following )became  my   spiritual  guide  in  life.
Then  inspiration , while in USA,came  from  reading  of  "THE  UPANISHADS" by   EkmathEswaran ( ISBN 13 - 978 - 0 -925132 -39-3) and the   desire  to  write something  about Vedanta   for ordinary  people  (  by a  layman  like me ) went on  germinating  within  me .
P    2

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